Did you know that you have the opportunity to encourage and bless a pastor, a church planter, a non-profit business owner, or a full-time ministry staff member from one of our 1,200 different ministries we partner with?
We are all in the trenches of ministry together! Is is not easy. It is heavy. It is hard and the work can be overwhelming — but, you are not alone! We are all a part of this big team called, “The Body of Christ;” His Church! He created us to be brothers and sisters in Christ, who lift each other up and encourage one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
Here at Luke 9:23 Ministries we have the great privilege to not only rub shoulders with so many of you across the globe, but also to serve you, talk with you, pray for you, connect you, resource you, and encourage you! We feel so blessed to have that ability. This allows us to see the bigger picture of what Christs' body is doing, and how you all are working together in a way that not many of you get to see. That is definitely a grand and magnificent view that often leaves us in awe of all our great God is doing in and through you!
The flip side of that, however, is that we also get to see the struggle, the sadness, the heartbreak, and the need that many of you experience. It was from this view that our “Care Ministry” was created. Our heart is to help, our desire is to resource and we need your help to bridge that gap.
You may or may not have been a recipient thus far of one of our Luke 9:23 Ministries Care Packages. We love to love on those of you that are in a tough season, transition or are in need. These packages range from simple encouragement cards and encouraging books to new baby gifts, hospital care packages, ministry resource packs, family encouragement packages, gas or grocery gift cards. We also love to share and pass on any information we receive on valuable resources for you! Keep checking our newsletters for those great treasures.
According to an Indeed.com business survey of 1,227 full-time pastors across the U.S., the average annual salary for those in full-time church ministry was $40,177 (last updated: October 8, 2018). The salary range was $78,000–$28,000 dependent on location and position. According to research done by George Barna, Fuller Institute and Lifeway, the following statements reflect a lot of what we see: 72 percent of those pastors report working between 55–75 hours per week. 57 percent of pastors believe they do not receive a livable wage and 57 percent of pastors are unable to pay their bills.* We’ll share more of these statistics in our next blog.
How can you be a part of this? Share the love! Maybe your family has this particular desire to love on another family in ministry and wish to give a financial gift towards this opportunity personally. Maybe your church desires to serve other churches in this way. Maybe you have a connection to christian books, ministry resources, or gift cards that you wish you pass along. Maybe you are a church, network or non-profit that has a surplus at the end of your fiscal year and wish to make a tax-deductible gift to Luke 9:23 Ministries c/o: Care Ministry.
Giving through Luke 9:23 Ministries is also a great way to give, without the recipient having to pay taxes on their gift or count it as taxable income; which is often the hidden caveat to giving in ministry.
This truly is a work of God connecting his people to serve and love one another. We are simply the hands of this; delivering support from one non-profit to another, from one pastor to another, from one network to a church, from one established church to a brand new church plant.
Contribute to the Care Ministry today by giving your donation online.
If you have any questions or requests, feel free to reach out to us by using our contact form.